我的名字叫彭金元,来自中国,2015年在美国加州获得Class A照,至2021年底一直以开卡车养家。妻子为是全职家庭主妇,照顾三个女儿,大女儿13岁,次女7岁,小女3岁。本来一切生活正常,可是2021年6月因为澄县David Kincaid警察的指证,在我没有去过的区域,给我驾照记录了一场车祸。致使我的商业保险近十倍增长,直接导致了我的失业。
My name is Peng Jinyuan, I am from China, I obtained a Class A license in California in 2015, and I have been driving a truck to support my family until the end of 2021. The wife is a full-time housewife, taking care of three daughters, the eldest daughter is 13 years old, the second daughter is 7 years old, and the youngest daughter is 3 years old. Everything was normal, but in June 2021, due to the testimony of David Kincaid police in Cheng County, a car accident was recorded on my driver’s license in an area I had not been to. As a result, my commercial insurance increased nearly tenfold, which directly led to my unemployment.